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How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI-OX

PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:55 pm
by antxon

When the megadrum finishes receiving the sysex file, it shows a message that says "download finished", but the first page with dmitri's name does not appear

Any can me explain what should I make for megadrum start's whit the new firmware normally?

some keyboard shortcut when the megadrum is starting?, any help is welcome


antxon (old user whit name therapix)

Re: How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI

PostPosted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 7:15 pm
by ignotus
What firmware are you trying to load? If you're using Midi-Ox I assume your Atmega is quite ancient, maybe from before the firmware became encrypted (sometime around 2010 I think). If that's the case, you either need to get a new Atmega with the encrypted bootloader programmed by Dmitri, or use the last unencrypted firmware, which is from 2010. Newer firmware versions can't be loaded without the special bootloader.

Re: How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 9:54 am
by antxon
Some user has the latest unencrypted firmware for megadrum with atmega32 20Mhz 32 inputs or can tell me how to run a 2009 firmware once the megadrum shows ''update finished'' as I explained in my first post of this topic.


antxon (old user whit name therapix)

Re: How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 11:19 am
by dmitri
Program the latest available unencrypted firmware with a programmer and don't use any sysex update - there is no point doing this.

Re: How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 3:59 pm
by antxon

But I don't understand why I have this problem:

antxon wrote:
When the megadrum finishes receiving the sysex file, it shows a message that says "download finished", but the first page with dmitri's name does not appear


Any help is welcome


Re: How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI

PostPosted: Wed Dec 11, 2019 4:10 pm
by dmitri
It can be many things. This is why I suggest you to load the latest available unencrypted firmware with a programmer and forget about updating with a sysex.

Re: How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:42 pm
by antxon
I think I have the cable to program the atmega32 but I have no idea how to do it

Do you have any desire to help me do it?


Re: How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 7:03 pm
by ignotus
If you have the cable, then plug it into your PC's parallel port and the ICSP header for the Atmega on your MD board. Also plug in the board via USB. Then, using ponyprog, choose your device (avr micro -> atmega32), choose parallel port in 'setup -> interface setup', set the configuration and security bits using the attached file as a guide ('command -> security and configuration bits'), load the firmware .hex file and then burn it to the chip with 'command -> erase' and 'command -> write all'. You should now have the firmware loaded. I haven't done this operation in over 10 years so might have forgotten something, but I think it should work.

Re: How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 8:40 pm
by antxon
First thanks for delete the repeat topic to the moderators.

At the risk of appearing impertinent, I ask you again, if you know any way, that after the megadrum shows on its screen ''update finished'' anyone know how make it megadrum show the welcome screen with the name of D. Scachkov such as before. I tried to update the firmware and now I can't leave it at least as before.


antxon (old user with name therapix)

Re: How to update firmware megadrum atmega32 20Mhz with MIDI

PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 10:00 pm
by ignotus
It doesn't show the welcome screen because something went wrong and the firmware isn't loaded properly, there's no magic button combination or anything like that. As it's virtually impossible to know what might have gone wrong and I doubt anyone is going to start messing with MIDI-OX to try to reproduce it, the best thing to do is to try to re-program the chip using the ICSP cable. If that fails, you'll either have to try a new chip and program it yourself, or send it to Dmitri so he can program the protected bootloader to it so you can use the latest firmware and update it easily via USB using MDMFX.